
What Is an Appearance Attorney?

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When you need an experienced lawyer to appear in court on your behalf, you need an appearance attorney. Keep reading to learn more about an appearance attorney’s role and how we can help you find the right lawyer!

The Role of an Appearance Attorney

As a lawyer, you are no stranger to having a busy schedule. You might be managing several cases at once and need to go to court to represent your clients – but what happens if you can’t make it on the stated date and time?

This is where an appearance attorney comes in!

Appearance attorneys get their name because they ‘appear’ in court on behalf of the client’s primary attorney. Think of them as substitute legal representation when you are not able to attend. Or perhaps all that’s needed is to file some papers, and you have more pressing matters to deal with.

Since you can call upon them for various tasks, appearance lawyers have experience in a wide range of legal matters. They can handle civil or criminal cases, as well as bankruptcy hearings, arbitrations, motions, and trials.

In most cases, though, the role of an appearance attorney is to complete an administrative request. This includes giving the judge an update on the case, reschedule a hearing, or delivering missing documents. For example, you may need an appearance attorney to collect the court order after the judge has given their official proclamation.

You will need to brief them on the case to help them understand what needs to be done. Similarly, you will need a notice of appearance that lets the judge know they are standing in on behalf of you and your client.

Once the hearing is over, the appearance counsel will submit a detailed report of the outcome to you – the primary attorney. You can expect this update on your client within 24 hours, and you can use that information to plan the next stage of the trial or bill your client.

Docketly Is Here to Help!

When you are ready to hire an appearance attorney, Docketly is here to help. We are the leading appearance counsel provider, and our custom software allows us to make this process as easy and convenient as possible.

We actively manage the performance of our attorneys to ensure that they meet all compliance requirements. You can access the most experienced attorneys by measuring how many points they have earned, and we can even help you bundle hearings together if they are taking place at the same courthouse!